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I just might be the first comment - wow! The challenge when I scrap, besides finding the time, is colour. I have a hard time deciding what base colours will best suit and augment my photographs to make them "pop" off the page. Have fun in Florida!


I have to say staying awake after putting my children to bed is my biggest challenge when sitting down to scrapbook and craft. If I can stay awake, creativity usually follows!


Sometimes it's just cleaning up from the project before...getting the products ready for the new project...then sitting down and just letting the creative juices flow! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Corina Cooley

My biggest challenge when I go to scrapbook is what paper am I going to use. I have way too much paper!!!!!


inspiration, I can sit down and just look at stuff for hours and the inspiration never comes

Lori P

The challenge when I scrap is finding room on my table! Honestly, I have been trying to find a home for everything but it still all prefers to be out in the open.


My challenge is to find room on my desk!

Heather H.

I think the biggest challenge for me is time. I have so much to do that when I sit down it is hard to decide what I should do first. Then it is inspiration, sometimes I decide to scrap but the muse is taking a vacation.

Amber Scurlock

Usually my greatest challenge is coming up with a page design that works with my pictures!

Denise c.

my biggest challenge is not having enough time to scrap....when I do scrap, the time goes by soooo fast!

Hazel Q.

Congratulations Violet!! I think my biggest challenge is making time to scrapbook and probably choosing the papers :P

Jennifer B.

My biggest challenge is to not be a perfectionist when I scrap. I agonize too long over does this look right here, should I add more or is it finished, etc. Those kinds of questions!

Jenn C.

Finding time to sit down and scrap is the hardest, but once I'm there, probably finding a photo configuration that I like best.


My challenge is to decide what am I going to do.. a card a LO or alter something! mostly all the time I end up with a card I love it!

Angela S

my greatest challenge is finding the *space* to set everything out that I need to work with!


My greatest challenge is space to spread out and let my creative juices flow. I am trying to set up a scrapbook space to call my very own. In a small house that is not easy.

Kelli P.

My biggest challenge is starting. If I have something going I'm usually good and will start other projects during it so that I can have continuous crafting, but if I stop. It may be a few days before I start again.

Andrea MacDonald

My biggest challenge is trying express my self when journaling. I'm a fairly private person so it's hard to show off my feelings for everyone to see.


My biggest challenge when I sit down to scrap is knowing where to start. If I don't already have a design in my head, it takes me a while to get going.

Cindy M

My greatest challenge is even finding the time to sit down to scrapbook. When I do I am usually too tired to be creative.

Jennifer D

I think my greatest challenge is different everytime I sit down. Sometimes I can't find a paper in my stash to work with my pictures or the layout mojo is not with me or because I don't like to do the same idea/layout more than once and I have a hard time thinking of something new or even I want to scrapbook but I also want to spend time with my family. I think that's why it's always a challenge for me, it's never the same twice :)

Jennifer D - Calgary AB


Oh, the biggest challenge for me is to actually SIT down! I end up spending too much time surfing blogs for all the wonderful inspiration out there that I spend more time doing that than i do actually scrapbooking! Once I'm sitting, I usually don't get too stuck...


i would have to say my greatest challenge is dragging all my stuff up from the basement to the kitchen table as i only have a scrapbook "storage area" and not a room. can't wait to have a scrapbook room....soon, very soon! :)

Mindy SB.

My biggest challenge is forcing myself to clean up my scrap area before starting on something new. I have a tendancy to just push things aside and the result is a big scrappy mess! And then I lose track of all the goodies I have to play with!

Janet MacKay

This is great timing. My subscription is about to run out.

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