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Awesome tutorial! I recently downloaded picasa and so far I love it. I'm. Not very computer savey and never got very far with photoshop elements. Picasa seems much easier. Can't wait to add text- been wanting to learn how.

Custom Logo Design

That's so cute, love it.


Very cute! Love the idea of scrappin my baby's wardrobe :O)

Mary (Happy Now)

Thanks for the tips! There are so many great products out there -- it's always nice to get some testimonials AND instruction!

Carol Metully

WOW! Thanks Lisa for this great tutorial!!I've been wanting to try a different phot-editing software and now I know which one. This is so cute!

Erin Morley

thanks for the info. I haven't figured out Photoshop yet and just might start with Picasa.


Thanks for sharing that wonderful tutorial on adding text to photos. I can't wait to try it!


Great! Love the text on the photos :)


I use Picasa exclusivly & I love it!
Love the text tool, I would like to try journaling with it sometime.


Great tutorial! Love your page!

Donna Rawbone

Magnificent! You are truly a pro!

Dana C.

This is a great tutorial. Thanks.

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