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Beth Bo.

What a cute project idea! I love your cards...wish I could get in on your make and takes. :)


I especially love the idea of the book marks for my recipe books, it's a kind of 'why didn't I think of that' thing because with menu planning...how to know which recipe to follow has been an ongoing challenge!

Sarah Hodgkinson

If you would like to a pdf copy of the "Shopping List" document (three shopping lists on one page for you to print off), please email me and I will forward it along:
[email protected]

Aly D

wow sarah! these are adorable and genius!!

Penny D.

Very creative, that is such a great idea.


Awesome idea! I can use all the help I can get in organizing my weekly meals. Thanks for sharing!

Charlotte D

Amazing1 I am a big list maker myself - gonna give these a try.


Beautiful and useful! Such a great idea. I'm bookmarking this for future use.


Oh wowsers... what a great project.. Love the idea.. TFS


So cute, love the idea! Maybe I'll be a better cook! LOL. Thanks for sharing.

Kelly Massman

Love all of your inspiration today!


Adorable projects, Sarah! I love the shopping list and bookmarks. So practical and fun!

Tanya Rudd

WOW! Have to try out some of these projects.


Cuteness! You are amazing Sarah!

Andi Sexton

Oh my gosh!!! These are top top top notch on the cute and functional list!! Love them....

Lisa Haas

Well how cool is this! Such a fun project with great function! Thank you so much for sharing this! I will definitely have to make one of these!


Just adorable! :)


What a cute idea for the recipe bookmarks! :)


fabulous project Sarah!

C E Van

Bo Bunny Sophie seems to fit with my supplies of paper on hand. What a relief. Recently I went into a big shop and every paper there, even the discontinued featured sheets/sets, wouldn't mesh with my previous project paper. And that would be even with the techniques I use to blend the styles by altering and cutting product lines. What can I say but....I'm glad of the feeling of freedom I can recapture from my first days of scrapping when all my pages blended into a cohesive album after my "treatment". Eclectics with a sense of continuity - that's how I would describe my response to the Sophie line. Sometimes you need to see the familiar to know where to go next....

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