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Thank you so much-off to get the crochet yarn!

Sasha "sweet thang" Holloway

Love this ..

Eveline van Heijst

Thank you very much for this excellent tutorial. I'm going to give this a try.


Love it! Thanks!


Excellent instructions and I have wanted to make these for the longest time. Thanks.


Love these!!!! I've tried to crochet before but I just didn't get it. Maybe I can sweet talk my mom into doing some....


Beautiful - this is a little different from the ones I've been making - always good to add a new design!

Nancy L.

I know how to crochet, but for some reason I wasn't able to make these flowers!! Thanks for your tutorial, I'm going to try it!!

Linda Beeson

Those flowers are so dainty, the perfect accent for the layout. So happy you included the directions, gotta try it.


WOW! Thanks.

jen shears

I spent my down time this weekend making little crocheted flowers- but this is a slight variation- may have to give it a go! :)

Renee J.

These are gorgeous! I love them!!


Thank you so much for this tutorial. My 10 year old daughter is actually the crocheter in our house, so she was thrilled when I showed these to her, and asked her to give them a try.

Laurie VF

Thanks, I do make my own flowers but yours is different. I take my little case everywhere with me....it doesn't take long to whip one of these up....so I have a bag full and ususally give them to friends. I would like to know how to do the double layer ones if you can come up with a pattern for those it would be great!
Thanks again.
Laurie VF

Donna Rawbone

I love the look but don't crochet. I am going to ask my mom. I hope she will do it.

Linda E

These look fabulous! Thanks for sharing the detailed insructionis.


Thanks for the guide. I have crocheted with yarn so I should be able to do these. Lovin it.

Vickie Kipp

Love the flowers! But for some reason I consistently get 6 petals, I can't figure out what I am doing wrong,your directions are soooo easy to follow...I think I need to got to the Lion tutorial on how to crochet, I must be doing a stitch wrong...it has been a long time.

Carol Metully

This is so beautiful...and FUN! I crochet so making this will be NO PROBLEM!! Thanks!


Love these projects. Thanks for the ideas


It's been like at least 30 years since my grandmother attempted to teach me to crochet- I didn't have the patience then! Thanks- maybe I can do it now!

creative recreation

I have been looking through your blog, I love your projects they are so cute and the fabric projects are awesome.Thanks for sharing,


Thank you for the instructions! Now I will! I wasn't able to do it!

Janine A

Thank you for the beautiful pattern!! I keep getting a 5 petal flower out of your 6 petal instructions lol..... okay...one more try....



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