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Marguerite Sumeraj

Love the technique for the background, and the clever use of the pennants...and your journalling is so sweet...a real inspiration for me. Thanks.


This is so creative! What a fabulous layout!!


Love the look of the layout design. TFS


I think her owl is cute. What a great idea for hanging out as Mom and daughter.

Pamela McGillin

Love the burned wood look of the frame. Very crafty feeling.

Kathy P

Her owl ROCKS! And I do feel your pain...you get the mom award today for patience!!! LOL....
Love your page!

Ruth G

You're an awesome mom, no doubt about it! You should definitely be receiving the biggest glitter covered heart that ever there was for Valentine's Day (which would personally send me screaming since I.hate.(school).glitter!
Fun LO! Your folded and stitched paper technique adds such wonderful texture and I love your idea for how to use the banner stamps in a different way! TFS!


What a cool technique for the background. I've got to try it!

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