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Brilliant ideas! Love the layouts as well:)

Penny Douphinett

Great ideas. Do I need to worry about the party products damaging my pictures in layouts?

Brenda B

Fun party elements! Love it!

Kathy P

LOVE these simple, useful tips and ideas! Thanks so much!


Really cool idea, love the layouts. TFS


So fun! Love the green ribbon stems and leaves, too!

Dorina D

Cute ideas. TFS

Aly Dosdall

Penny, that's a great question. My rule of thumb is to make sure that anything that touches my photos is archival quality (acid and lignin free). If you're unsure of something, it's best to back your photo with archival quality cardstock as a buffer between your photo and the questionable item. Hope that helps! =)

Melinda T

I love it! Thanks for sharing the fun and great ideas!


Lovely layout! Great way to incorporate those cupcake wraps! ;o)

Lisa L.

so wish I could go to that! Fabulous ideas and I love the cupcake flowers thanks for the how to!


Such a great idea to use things that you have in your house in your scrapbook layouts! I love it!

Renee VanEpps

Awesome ideas, love the cupcake liner flowers!



Supply Chain Recruitment

This are cute! Love it ^^

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