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Oh Kelly, this is so sweet!! Just a fabulous page. I LOVE the photos inside of the boys when they were bitty!! Sweet journaling by them too. You are one lucky lady to have such amazing fathers as well as your hubby!

Becky fleck

Kels, that is the sweetest layout evah! What a beautiful tribute :)


Fabulous!!! I love this--your post brought a tear to my eye. I wasn't so lucky to have a dad/step dad like yours, but I do have a fantastic hubby who's a great dad.


OMG I just love it!

Kathy Martin

LOVE this page!!! :)


Great page, Kelly!!!
I was especially glad that there was more than one pic. Your husband will always cherish their written comments. As your fellas age they probably will learn more & more how important their Dad is in their lives - as did our son who is 18. For me I don't have as much time with our son now compared to when he was younger - so sometimes I envy their time together however I am thrilled they do have fun & spend quality guy time. Our son is able to talk to me about anything that means the world to me. At this age We both still serve a purpose, eh?
This year will be the first time my hubby & I will be going on a trip with out our son... now that will seem wierd!!!

Carmen Mobbs

Such a lovely layout & great tribute to the special men in your life! It brought a tear to my eyes esp since my Dad passed when I was 10 yrs old. Every month I so look forward to what you have created. You are such an inspiration to us all. We all love you!!!!!

Florence Unrau

I had a good and loving father, and have many great memories, even tho' he died too young at 75.Then I married the love of my life and he is an awesome dad to our 2 children. He always had time to play with our kids even tho' he might be really tired after work. For 40 years he has watched our son play ball and is still at it and loves it. He loves our children, and grandchildren and just recently a great grandson has added something so special to our family. He is the "best" dad.


I love the layout, the hidden photos and journaling, love it!!


Great layout - I mix old and new products all the time too - have to because I never throw anything out and I am determined to use it all! Wasting is not my thing.

My girls love their step-dad too - nice to hear a feel good story.

Barb in AK

Wow! That is a precious layout which your husband will love forever! I love your monthly contribution and look forward to seeing what you will come up with next :-)


WOW! This is such a lovely layout! ;o)

Jenny Pedwell

love the fold down page with your kids words on them! I think I will have to scrap lift this one!!

Jeannine H.

This is a stunning layout. Last night, I registered for the Crop and create coming up in the fall and I can't wait to take the classes kelly is teaching!

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