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Cindy Stevens

This is a great tip! TY!

Dorina D

Love this card, especially the chevron pattern you created and the great bow tutorial. Had to Pin this card, I just loved the design.


Absolutely stunning card here Aly, and thanks so much for the template, it´ll certainly come in handy, when we get to try this out here, which I definitely will.

Karon H

Fabulous tip and thanks so much for the template. TFS

Karen M. Roth

This is an awesome and easy tutorial! Thank you for sharing it!

Also, how do you do the little folded up diamond shapes on the bottom of the card? That looks so cool! :o)

Ruth G

Fabulous bow tutorial! That'll be fun to give a try! I'm head over heals for the chevron folding at the bottom! Any chance you'll do a tutorial for how that was done? Thanks so much!

Pam Phelps

Absolutely love this. I have never made a paper bow before but yours is lovely. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I also LOVE your card.

Paula DeRuntz

This is a beautiful card and the bow is so clever! Thanks!

Donna R

Gorgeous card and thanks so much for sharing the bow pdf. I'm going to try this out really soon!

Maureen W.

Gorgeous card and thank you for the template!

Cindy L

I too would love to know how to make the bottom part if the card!! And a tremendous thanks for sharing your template!!

Kim Thomas

I love your card, it's just lovely. Thank you for the tutorial. Take care. :)


What an easy tutorial! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!! :-)


Thanks for the template and the instructions. Going to give it a try.


I love this tip!! Thank you for posting this!!

Jennifer Reynard

Beautiful card!!! Thanks for the tutorial. Also wondering about the bottom of the card. I have never seen that done before! [email protected]

Freya Dunbar

Love this!! Can't wait to try!! I'm also wondering how you did the pattern on the bottom half of the card? It looks so interesting!!! :) Thanks!

Aly Dosdall

thanks so much everyone! i think i know what i'll be sharing with you next month. =)


What a great idea, I have printed out the template and will definitely be giving it a try. Thanks.

Beth W

Thank you so much for the template-I've been wanting to try these for quite some time.


Love your card! Thanks for sharing the template and directions! ;o)


la carte est magnifique,merci pour le gabarit.

Anita F

Merci pour tes explications , et BRAVO pour tes livres . Bon dimanche.


Thanks for sharing the template.


thank you for the template and instructions. i also wonder about the beautiful card? sharron

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