« Mother's Day Brag Books tutorial by Aly Dosdall! | Main | Mother's Day inspiration with Spellbinders! »


Kathy P

Sweet! Love DB designs, and these projects show it off well!

Julie A. Shearer

Adorable !!! TFS .


Awesome ideas here all of them. I love the small bags here, they always bring joy and happiness from those who gets them.


Gorgeous projects:)


Such wonderful projects today. They are so fun and colourful with great Doodlebugs products.

Anita Holmes

This is for Wendy Sue Anderson, YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!!!
Love the layout. Wanted you to know what others think of you!
You family is lovely...good for you!

Christine Kiehl

Very nice projects! THanks for the Doodlebug share!

Kelly Massman

such a cute collection and fabulous projects!

Jean A Marmo

So cute!

Renee VanEpps

Love these projects, especially the purse by Amanda! And thanks for sharing that link again from Teresa's blog. What an amazing article... just got done sharing it on my wall for the second time!

Barbara H

Great projects, thank you for sharing.

Lisa Heilman

Great idea.

Lyn Kaufmann

Thank you for sharing the great idea, but even more for sharing the vanity you felt with the picture.
We recently took a family picture with Poppa and the kids. I looked at the picture and realized my blouse made me look awful. After four children I wasn't thrilled to have a blouse make me look pregnant!
The family is the most important part of the picture and I want the kids to have plenty of pictures to remember family times.


Wonderful items... thanks for sharing!!!

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