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very clever idea! think I'll give it a try!

Susan Mac Donald

such a great idea for a 1 on 1 w/your son; thanks for sharing & all the best for save fireworks for the 4th of July!

Kathy P

Very cute idea, perfect for the holidays! Thanks for sharing!


so lovely, this is a great way to put lights in the garden on summer evenings!!


I believe I have read that if you put water inside the cans & freeze them then you can use a hammer & nail to make your designs. The ice helps to keep the shape of the can (not everyone has a Crop-a-dile).

JoAnn B.

Love this idea. They turned out great.

BEth W

I love this idea.Of course I'ma thinking Halloween-they're going to be so cool!

Jenni Calma

Awesome! What a great use of recycling...


Great project, change the star to yellow and it could be used for August 15th Acadian Day here in the Maritime provinces in Canada or in Louisianna!

Jean Bullock

Wow. Great projects. That crop-a-dile tool is cool.

Sue D

Love this idea!

Dorina D

Never thought about using the Big Bite . Much easier than nails and a hammer. Cute luminaries and great job.

Valorie Matthews

WOW what a great idea, going to try this out, a much a safer idea would be to use those led tea lights, or batter operated ones that you can get in the candle section at Walmarts. Definitely a great project and great idea for any holiday!!!!THANKS!!!!!ALSO, THANKS for the idea of using the Big Bite, going to put my to use!!!!

Julie A. Shearer

Great idea !! I love these ! Thanks for sharing !

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