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Wow, amazing organization 😄😄😄

Kathy P

Great ideas for organizing the ooodles of school stuff that pours in each year!

jennifer edwardson

AMAZING job on the school albums Laura .... and of course I love all things Bella 😉💗

Amber M.

Thanks, Laura, for these great tips on sorting school memorabilia! I have kept nearly everything from my girls (who are now 17 and 13) with the intention of doing something neat with the "important stuff" but haven't really sorted it yet. I kept saying it will be my retirement project, but I truly want to preserve things in a meangingful way, and sooner rather than later! I'll be looking very forward to your next post :) Also, SCT, love, Love, LOVE seeing the pictures from CHA! So anxious to see all of the wonderful new goodness in stores!!!!!


I clipped this article just in case I'm ever motivated to attack this chore!

Kim Thomas

Thank you for the valuable information. I have huge storage containers with all years of papers for both of my daughters. Thank you for the Bella sneak peek too. I can't wait to get my hands on it. Take care. :)


I will be referring back to this article a lot in the very near future, thank you Laura! My daughter is only going into 1st grade and I feel so behind. But knowing you started your youngest child's in 2nd grade, I know I can do it too! I have no excuses now :) Thanks again!!!

Tina C

cool idea thanks for sharing

Dorina D

Fabulous article that I'm sharing with family and friends. Clear, concise and so organized that it can apply to anything special you want to track as well as all those school papers. Thanks for where to find the special pocket pages you use. Love it. Can't wait to see the inside of your albums.


Laura - I have followed your school album progress on your blog for as long as you have been doing them. I happen to have bought that Becky Higgins school kit for each of my kids. Love your examples and you have really inspired me! I need to break those albums out and catch the past two years up.

Megan Hedin-Jones

Thank you, Laura. My son is starting Kindergarten in a couple weeks. I was wondering what I was going to do with all that stuff, especially since I have already started to pile it up with preschool and pre-kindergarten. I have great ideas now!

I also started something with my mom and school pictures. I got her an album and a scrapbook page frame. Each year I get to make her a scrapbook page with the current year's picture. This way she can display the current year and "file" the last year in the album. Mom loved it!

Ruth G

Thanks so much for sharing! I wish I would have done something like this when my kids were younger. I just got overwhelmed with all the stuff that came home - it's much easier now that they are a lot older and don't have so much to share in the way of school work. I'm glad that someone else will be helped even if it's too late for me. I always enjoy hearing about your ideas!

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