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Jean Bullock

the pages are marvelous. Wonderful job.

Amber M.

Congratulations to you, Lynn, on your solid marriage - I always appreciate hearing about long-term couples who are still happy. My husband and I will have been married for 20 years this October, but also together for a few more than that ;-). I seriously love your scrapbooking style. It's clean and tidy and also inspirational and dynamic. THANK YOU!!

Kathy P

Always love your bright, fun and colorful pages, Lynn! And congrats to all the lucky winners!


congrats lucky winners;
now I simply LOVE these wonderful layouts Lynn!!! so inspiring, colorful, Happy!! thanks


Thanks. Love these pages. Catherine, we're in Boston too!

Barbara Staradumsky

Congrat's to all the winners! Lynn I do have to admit I am one of those who leaves the titles till last...and your right...they do look lonely and a little boring. I am going to use some of your techniques on my next one! Thanks for the great tip!

Elizna Parsons

Gorgeous layouts! Thank you for the inspiration :-D

Angela A

Beautiful pages ladies! I love each of them! What a talented set of designers!


Congrats to the winners. Fab pages.

Barb in AK

I must admit, I am one of those who give little thought to my titles, other than the color of the letters! Thanks for the tip, Lynn. I adore your creations :-)

Kathy Martin

LOVE your work, Lynn! Awesome pages and creative titles! :)


Geez, I don't think you needed a title on your Blue eyes layout, Lynn, as those eyes grab your attention right away!!!
I don't scrapbook but love to look at them. Cards are what I find relaxing.

Kim Thomas

They are such gorgeous layouts, just delish! Thank you for the inspiration, and thank you so much for picking me for prize #1! I'm so excited! I couldn't believe it when I saw my name. I thought I was reading wrong! Take care. :)

Julie A. Shearer

Congrats to the lucky winners . Love all of these beautiful layouts .


Beautiful LO's. What stuck out to me was how you used the small and cap letters together. I always have a problem doing that, but it looks great when I see it.

Congrats to all the winners!


Wonderful layouts - Love the colour choices in "Blue Eyes".

Thanks for sharing your ideas.


Thank you again for the wonderful inspiration. I struggle sometimes with my titles so look forward to using some of these ideas on my own layouts. I was just catching up with the blog as I missed it not having internet at the cottage we were vacationing at last week. A BIG THANK YOU for picking me as winner of prize package #2. I am so excited. You and your suppliers are so generous for offering the opportunity. Congratulations to all of the winners.

Kelly Jean

I havr a hard time creating fun unique titles so I naturally love all of these. Thank you so much for sharing!!! They are inspiring for my titles.

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