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So many great ideas! Thank you so much!


Thanks for all the great ideas! I found them very helpful!

Nina Oelke

Loved this post. I always get stuck on journaling too. I leave it out most of the time. I don't know if I just forget to do it because I have the memory that pictures gives me engraved in my heart, or whether I'm just can't think of anything. Either way I am lazy about it and intend to do better. Thanks for sharing :)

Beverly Jordan

So much inspiration!!

Dorina D

Fabulous post. Titles are always the hardest for me, but sometimes journaling is too. Loved today blog and hope to see future posts on other journaling and title tips. Great job. Thanks.

Nicole N.

Great tips Emily :) You always have such great titles and I am completely jealous of that!


Super inspiring! Thanks :-)

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