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Greta H

Wonderful layout--love the family pics! PS--by my calendar Saturday is Oct. 3 (not the 4th) for World Cardmaking Day. I'll be visiting my sister & maybe the 2 of us can play along at least part of the day.

Tricia Kolsto

What an extremely beautiful layout - I love, love the logs and the colors are fabulous!!!

barbara macaskill

I love this idea!! Just the other day my husband ad I were talking about getting a family photo of us, the kids and the grandchildren! Our last family photo was in 1989 when my oldest son was a little over a year old!! So much has happened since then and I can't wait to get some updated photos!! Thanks for sharing this lovely layout with me!!

MaryAnn N

Wonderful layout, love the colours and photos


I love this! I love that your clothes matched, and that you pointed out the similarities as well as the differences. As for you and your husband - neither of you has aged at all!! Great layout.

Jean Marmo

Wonderful! I need to do this!

Ruth Gauss

Wonderful layout! I love the comparison and yet how things are offset a tiny bit so it's not straight across the page! Wonderful colors and patterns and great journaling! Thanks so much for sharing!

TracyM #6773

FABULOUS photos and layout!!!
THANK YOU for sharing this wonderful idea!!!


Fabulous layouts!


This is such a fantastic layout! I love the idea of comparing older with new photos. You have added so many cute touches too! The wooden hearts and the log paper are wonderful together. Thanks for sharing this amazing project!

Margaret Roberts

What a great idea! And the layout is just perfect!

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