Good morning SCT friends! If you have an extra few minutes spend it with me as it’s your very happy Publisher here today. Why so happy you ask? Well as I write this I am on a plane to Utah to kick off a very special week. On October 28th SCT will mark its official 10th birthday. TEN YEARS! Take a walk back in time with me.
October 28, 2005 started as a regular day of getting kids off to school, our daughter was in grade 3 and our son had just started grade 1 (and man was I missing him!) I volunteered weekly, I had a small business and usually contemplated what would be on the dinner table that evening. October 28, 2005 was just a regular day in the Tachdjian house. However, 12 hours later that would change. After putting the kids to bed my husband and I shared a late dinner. I was excitedly telling him about a card class I wanted to take at my local scrapbook store, Cherished Scrapbook that weekend. My husband asked a few questions about the printed piece the store information was printed on (he is in the print industry and notices everything!) and suggested ways the piece could be improved. We talked back and forth about the challenges of the local scrapbook store to carry on the day-to-day business in a retail setting, educate the customer and stay on top of industry trends. What I didn’t know was that it was a conversation that would change many things. What started out with him suggesting that evening that I consider designing a “newsletter template” to help retailers deliver their store/class/product information with their customers resulted in the launch of the first issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today five months later. It was 64 pages. Four days after that dinner conversation a business plan was prepared, the SCT website was up and nine days after that an incorporated company was founded. Were there challenges, uphill climbs, fear, lost sleep and tears? Oh yes there were yet every time I turned a corner and the fear crept in there was a helping hand. And my business mentor’s words “be guided by your own internal measures” rang in my ears. With the help of so many we released the first issue to a regional audience in Ontario, Canada in March, 2006. What we did not expect was to be internationally read two days later. The power of the web and the connectivity it provides still astounds me.
Many have asked how SCT came to be. Did we expect 10 years later to be thriving in a publishing world that is diverse, challenging and full of changes? Did we know 10 years later we would be read in over 120 countries? No, we didn’t know to set goals that high. What a wonderful time it’s been discovering how high we can reach. Through the kindness of many, including all of YOU, our industry partners and the amazingly talented designers in this industry we are blessed to work with, SCT has become a favourite to many and to that we say the best is yet to come. We also say thank you with a very grateful heart.
I have contemplated for some time on how to celebrate this milestone and I knew in my heart I wanted to head to Utah to visit with several of our wonderful industry partners that believed in the vision we had for SCT so many years ago. These companies invested in us when they had so many other choices and I am very grateful to them and for them This next week I will visit with American Crafts, Pink Paislee, WeR Memory Keepers, Doodlebug Design, Simple Stories, BoBunny, Echo Park, My Mind’s Eye, Fancy Pants, Stampin’ Up!, and Close to My Heart. I will visit with our Editor-in-Chief Megan Hoeppener and meet many friends I’ve made through these years. What else will I do? Well, what all memory keepers do...take pictures! I want to take you on a behind the scenes tour and share with you the great people behind these companies, share some photos of what their day-to-day looks like and share some of the stories from the week. Is there something specific you might like to know? Leave it in the comments below and I’ll try to find out! Of course, I’m also going to pack a few things in my suitcase to bring back for you so if you would like the opportunity to have a little happy mail, leave a comment below too!
Our role as media in the papercrafting industry is to deliver quality content at the right time on multiple platforms. Through print, digital and social media we strive to provide that for you and always hope we hit the mark. Over this next year we are going to celebrate all that is great in our industry – our designers, our advertising partners, the stores that carry our magazine, our event attendees and YOU, our reader. We have many things up our sleeve to do just that so be sure to watch over the next year as we sprinkle the year with a whole lot of fun here on the blog, in the magazine, on Facebook, on Instagram, on Pinterest and on YouTube.
Thanks for reading today. Thanks for your continued support for all that we do. The blog is always a place I get to connect with you in a special way. And I love that. Have a wonderful weekend!
~ Catherine Tachdjian, Publisher, Scrapbook & Cards Today Inc.
Congrats on 10 years!
Do so enjoy your blog.
You'll have a fun time
here in Utah. Love that
so many of the companies
are located in Utah.
Carla from Utah
Posted by: Carla Hundley | October 23, 2015 at 01:27 PM
Happy 10 years!
Posted by: theCook | October 23, 2015 at 01:31 PM
Congrats on 10 years - I am so glad I found this magazine and your company. Enjoy the States and safe travels. Thank you for all you do to keep this wonderful hobby alive. You and your team are amazing. Again I had a wonderful time at Crop and Create in Thunder Bay - Can hardly wait for next year. Until then - Have Fun ~Ann
Posted by: Ann | October 23, 2015 at 01:54 PM
Congrats, what a wonderful milestone!
Posted by: Miriam Prantner | October 23, 2015 at 01:56 PM
Happy 10th anniversary - we need to make you some cards! Thanks for keeping us on top of the industry trends over the past decade and the wonderful blog and retreats and everything else that you bring to us. Even though my favourite LSS has closed down, i can still find out the latest and greatest through your magazine!
Posted by: Charmaine | October 23, 2015 at 02:10 PM
Happy 10th Anniversary and I'm happy to say I have been a fan for 10 years too! Your trip to Utah sounds wonderful. Have Fun and post lots of Photos.
Posted by: MaryAnn N | October 23, 2015 at 02:20 PM
Congrats and Happy 10th!
Posted by: Treva | October 23, 2015 at 02:25 PM
Happy, happy 10th!! I live in Utah and would like to welcome you. I didn't realize until a couple of years ago that all those wonderful companies are based in my back yard. I always go to their warehouse sales but purchase these brands every time something new comes out! I love SCT and follow closely. Looking forward to the next 10...please keep up the good work!
Posted by: Lynn Ekstrom | October 23, 2015 at 02:27 PM
Congratulations on 10 years! Have a great trip. Maybe you can bring back some sneak peaks of their new products!
Posted by: Dawn Skene | October 23, 2015 at 02:32 PM
Happy 10th birthdayversary! I'm so glad you are here and I love every.single.issue. At a time when others have closed down - you are flourishing. That is testiment to your knowing the industry and being open to the needs and wants of scrappers, card makers and other crafters. I hope the next decade is as wonderful (or more!). Enjoy your trip and thank you for sharing it with us.
Posted by: Sandy Lewis | October 23, 2015 at 02:37 PM
Congratulations 10 years!!!!! Have a fun trip and bring back lots of goodies!! :)
Posted by: CarolH. | October 23, 2015 at 02:40 PM
A great 10 years and best wishes for another 10, and another 10.....
thanks for sharing your life.
Posted by: Mary Holshouser | October 23, 2015 at 02:41 PM
Congratulations! So glad you do what you do!
Posted by: Jennifer O. | October 23, 2015 at 02:45 PM
Wow!! 10 years!! thats a big milestone!! Congratulations... At a time when many other craft magazines are closing, you are thriving. That is because of your hard work and dedication!! Thank you for doing this!!
Moxie Craftie
Posted by: Berina Febin | October 23, 2015 at 02:45 PM
Congratulations! I remember (and still have ) your first issue. I often look through my copies for inspiration. I love that it is a quality magazine (printed on quality paper) with fabulous ideas for the beginner up to expert crafter.
Looking forward to another 10 years of SCT!
Posted by: Sandra | October 23, 2015 at 02:51 PM
Congrats on 10 years! ;-)
Posted by: diana | October 23, 2015 at 02:55 PM
Congrats, Catherine and SCT on ten years WELL DONE!
You asked....I would like to see/hear/read more about the people history of SCT, a life history of the movers and shakers that helped you become who you are now, specifically the people (and their company if they have one) - WHO came, left their mark (whether advice, design, teaching, sales, support, whatever)and left, who came in next, etc. I've always loved biographies! What were the people milestones in your SCT 10 year history?
From your partnering companies, I'd like to know almost the same thing, but about their business history...when did they get started, what were their values and goals when they started, how did they accommodate the bumps in the industry, what have they had to change with a changing market, what lessons have they learned about this business, and finally what do they see in the not so distant future for scrapbooking?
Okay, so I have asked enough to write multiple dissertations!!🙂 Just share anything more and I'll love it! And have a fabulous time in Utah!
Posted by: Amy Hanschen | October 23, 2015 at 02:59 PM
SO very excited for you and S&CT!! WOO!HOO! One million congrats to you. Let's not forget that S&CT is also what it is because of you and your family - immediate and/or otherwise. Thank you for all you have done for scrapbookers worldwide. You are truly an inspiration for us all.
Posted by: Aurelie | October 23, 2015 at 03:05 PM
Congratulations on your 10th anniversary .. you deserve all the success you receive.. Your magazine is so well designed with wonderful articles brimming with inspiration. Crop and Create events are the best -- so well organized with the best teachers in the industry. Here's to 10 more years of success.
I would love to hear what each of these companies do behind the scenes to make their employees feel special. As an Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, I'll be particularly anxious to see the photos from our prized head office.
Posted by: Leanne | October 23, 2015 at 03:05 PM
Congratulations on this amazing milestone and I wish you many more creative years!
P.S. I would love to receive some happy mail!
Posted by: Amy Cooley | October 23, 2015 at 03:06 PM
Happy 10th, SCT!
Posted by: lisa808 | October 23, 2015 at 03:17 PM
Congrats on such an awesome milestone!! Here's to 100 more!!
Posted by: Amy E. | October 23, 2015 at 03:19 PM
Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary!!! What a momentous milestone! It sounds like you have an amazing trip lined up! How exciting to visit with all those outstanding companies! I can't wait to see all the pictures you take and to read the stories of your trip! Thank you for sharing how SCT got its start. It's incredible that one conversation led to the fantastic magazine, website and blog that we know today! You must be so proud of all that you and your team have accomplished these past 10 years and be looking forward to what the next 10 will bring. I will be eagerly anticipating what I know will be fun and fabulous opportunities to celebrate your special anniversary over the coming year! Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself!
Posted by: LC | October 23, 2015 at 03:32 PM
Congratulations on 10 years! I really enjoy your magazine. Each time I get my copy, I sit down and read it cover to cover and then use it for reference! Thank you all for all of your hard work in providing this awesome magazine. It is very much appreciated!
Posted by: crestajune | October 23, 2015 at 03:40 PM
Congratulations on reaching your 10 year milestone. I have been a fan from the start. I log in to your blog each and every day to see what's new and look forward to your magazine each quarter. Can't wait to see what you do in the next 10 years!!
Posted by: Helen | October 23, 2015 at 03:46 PM