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christi Lyn steinbeck

Man, I need to find me a crafting buddy to hide my stash with! This mother daughter really has it going on! I just have to make sure to get to the mail before hubby and hide it in my car till he goes to work then bring it in the house! LOL

Colleen Flathers

I so resemble some (many) of these secrets

Barb macaskill

I am lucky to have my BFF living next door to m and I have my crafty stuff sent to her address and pick it up when hubby is at work! Win for me!


Man! I need to go through that barn!!!! 😂

Deepa Lakshman

I tell my husband that I won stuff.


Glad I'm not the only one. Hubby says I have too much now I'll never use but how does he know that?

Jurist Tran

My secret craft secret: I collect adhesives and refills every week and add it to my grocery bill so it's hidden looks like a weekly necessity...lol

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