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Carolyn Wright

So excited to celebrate NSD with my Crop & Create friends as we decided to get together between Toronto & Cornwall for another scrap booking weekend 💕 So excited to check out the blog as a group!

Barb macaskill

Can't wait for May 6th to arrive! I know it will be a fun and inspirational day! See you then!

Christi Steinbeck

Busy weekend for me for Friday is my daughter's 23rd Birthday. Of course we always do a cinco de mayo theme and have mexican food and the drive in theatre opens this weekend and she wants to go there for her birthday. Then of course I am joining you all for your online crop fun on Saturday! Super excited! Busy busy!

Cindy deRosier

I'll be here!

Andrea D. La Vigne

I'll be celebrating INSD, AND recording the Kentucky Derby so my mom & I can watch it that evening! That way, we get to zoom past the commercials and other parts we're not interested in. ;) Can't wait for Saturday! :) ~ Andrea

Barb in AK

Yes! I am looking forward to fresh ideas. I seem to scrap everything the same way-- boring! Can't wait til Saturday. :-)

Linda E

Happy May to you Susan! After meeting you at CREATE last weekend, I can hear your voice as I read this! So wonderful to get to know the people behind the pictures! I will be attending a two-day crop at my local scrapbook store (Scrap-a-Latte). Yes, I am lucky to still have a local store. Don't know how much shopping I will be doing since I broke the bank in Ohio! Hope you have a great week!

Erika Hayes

EEP! It snuck up on me this year... Guess I need to spend today getting ready! WHOO-HOOO best holiday ever

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