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Great products - and thanks for the video and tips. Thanks SCT and We R Memory Keepers for the chance to win this giveaway!

Nancy Wilcox

Thanks for the video and tips.


Such a versatile tool for any crafter, love it!!!

Marcia scantlin

WeR always comes up with the most innovative products.

Angela Lunn

Great tips and ideas! Thank you for sharing! :)

Sue LD

I like my We R Memory keeper products. thanks for the chance at this prize.

Dawn Skene

What a great prize! Thanks for the chance to win!

Dee Earnshaw

great video and awesome tool - thanks for sharing:)

Jean Marmo

Love WeR memory Keeper products. These new planner tools are amazing. Thanks for the opportunity.


This would be great! Thank you for the chance to win :)

Arianna Barbara

Thanks for sharing these useful tips!!!
Love so much all the We R Memory Keepers products!!!


Love this new (to me) way to make a little pocket page with one sheet of paper - genius! And thanks for pointing out the self-adhesive paper; I didn't know that existed!

Amy Cooley

Fun planner products! Thanks for the giveaway We R Memory Keepers!


Love We R Memory Keepers...thanks for all the great products...I could see endless use of the new products!

Chris Cross

What fun punchers!!! Thanks for sharing!

Judy Stiles

Great prize ... thanks for the chance to win!

D Morris

I love all of the We R Memory Keepers tools!


Oooo! New tools!


I just bought a planner punch. I would give it to my friend to play with.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Stacey Kowbel

Fantastic products! I love the project shown - I wouldn't have thought it was something that would be useful to have, but wow, the ideas that I have now for this!


WRMK makes great products. Both new tools look very useful. Thanks SCT.

Karen N

I am not a planner user but I could see a use for these tools. Great ideas. Thanks for the chance to win.


What awesome useful tools! Keep it up WRMK, love your innovation!


Love new useful tools!


Fantastic tools, love we r memory keepers 🤓

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