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Angela Lunn

Thank you for the tip!

Teresa Medeiros

Great idea to format the card for a #10 envelope. Never thought of that! And yes, having taken many of Virginia's classes, I know first hand that she doesn't like to waste any product, which I think is great. The cards look awesome!

MaryAnn N

ThanKs for the tip. I do not like waste either and the scalloped edge on the card is pretty.


What a great tip - never thought of it!

Nina Oelke

Cute card and great layout. Thanks for the tip for boarders. :)

Deepa Lakshman

Very cute card. Love the scrapbook page too.

Kirsty Vittetoe

Such creative and fun project.


What a cute page, and LOVE the idea of using the negative of the sticker! Thanks for sharing your smart-ness with us :)

Mendi Yoshikawa

These are adorable Virginia!

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